The SHINE Endowment Fund was set up in 2022 to benefit underprivileged children in Siem Reap province. Every academic year, full scholarships will be awarded to no less than 2 children.

How to apply for the scholarship?

Step 1: Check eligibility for scholarship

  • Financial background : Applicant’s household per capita

  • Income must not exceed USD$XX per month

  • Family circumstances

  • Students not currently under other sponsorship or scholarship

Step 2: Apply with supporting documents

Complete and submit our application form below. Submissions will be accepted throughout the year, but the actual assessment will only take place in October (?).

SHINE Endowment Fund Application Form

Selection will be based on the above criteria as well as the quality of applicants’ essay submission.

If you need any further information, please reach us:

Mobile: (855) 92 55 6000
